November 14, 2007


Balay lungsod (town hall). My grandfather used to work here. My cousins, my sisters and I used to play in the spacious hall way inside the first floor or run up and down a big wooden stairway to the second floor. Behind this building was a tennis court which doubled for a dancing floor during the weekends.

On the first floor was the post office where I mailed my letters to my parents and pen pals. I had some pen pals when I was young and summer was good time to write to them.

Below is a beautiful structure (Hall of Justice)but this was once a "ruins". Years ago, there was a day care center and playground behind it. I was enrolled for some months there when I was small. I remember we had ballet. Even when we were older, we used to go there during summer for the see-saw and the swing. I wanted to show them to my husband but the school and playground are now gone. It does not feel good to not see the old markers of the town, and of my childhood.


When the barrier between two poles is porous to a person, he has mixed emotions when confronted by either. Having walked in the mountains of Bukidnon during medical clerkship, worked as a rural physician before residency training, walked the urban poor neighborhood and walked a few times in places like the one on the right, I feel mellowed and friable.

It helps one's sanity to be grateful of the porosity one is given, never avoiding either poles.
To enjoy but remember the other side when in one pole, and not despise those who are caged in either...
an angle I would like to maintain.

November 13, 2007


Hayahay means relaxed, undisturbed, "no effort"
Mactan Island

November 12, 2007

NO SEAT AVAILABLE? Traffic jam? No problem. He can text.
(Cebu City, road to south)

Yes, Philippines is text and traffic-congested. (It is good text "trails" are invisible.)
Notice from the background, Philippines is also "waste from other countries"-congested (direct importer eh, ok?).