October 14, 2008

It rained today. Therefore it was a treat to go out. Seeing people with different kinds of umbrellas. And looking at how some hurry, while others walk naturally. Others wait.

Lovers tell you by their actions, "all you need is LOVE".

But really, when it rains, all I need is food. (Notice the carbohydrate loading)

After the rain, another set of scenes emerges.

People waiting (or staring) outside.

Some are eating semi-outside.

And as the umbrella is forgotten, another colorful thing catches one's attention.

Good day to all.

Please go back and notice that space between the head and the umbrella differ from person to person.

1 comment:

Gita Asuncion said...

i love the way you captured different moments of a rainy day... iba iba ng ang payongs no?!!! hihihi...
nice shots, joy!